'100% Natural Instant Porridge'

The Great British Porridge Co. make delicious, healthy and dairy free instant breakfasts. Everything in their handy little pots, sachets and re-sealable multi-serving bags are 100% natural, plant-based, gluten free and high in fiber thanks to their nutty British wholegrain oats and sweet, rich dates. They don’t add any sugar to the recipe as it's already naturally sweet and creamy from the coconut. All you have to do is stir in some hot water and in one tiny minute breakfast is ready. Instant porridge, instantly lovely.


The Great British Porridge Co. founder is Jacqueline. Her mission began when she noticed how much better she felt after switching to a natural, heathy dairy free diet, and wanted to spread the word. She knew whatever she made and to be nutritious, delicious and quick and easy to enjoy. So many sacks of oats (and torn up recipes) later, The Great British Porridge Co. was born.